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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Rhona Aitken

Title: the social

The “Social”

I went to the meeting alone, but I thought

that everyone there would be friendly - I thought.

The seats were all taken - I stood by a palm

hoping that someone would just touch my arm

and say “Do come to our table - I’ll get you a chair.”

But nobody did. I wished I weren’t there.

When eating tea in the dining-room

I smiled at several ladies whom

I ‘d tried to meet at the meeting.

“Excuse me please!” “When are we eating?”

“You dropped your book!” “Are you also alone?”

Was I so utterly monotone

that no-one saw that I was there?

At home they’ll say “How did you fare?”

I’ll answer with a careless fleeting

smile “Oh! - it was such a lovely meeting -

and truly

I’ve had

a most marvellous time!”

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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