Youngsters, Adults
Rhona Aitken
The bull and the Kite
Samson is a big black bull
with a ring in his nose.
If you grab it and pull
he goes.
Otherwise he doesn’t.
Samson is a bull.
His mouth is full
of lovely greenery.
To get it he must pull
it from the scenery.
The Kite
I cling to the string
that is tied to the thing
that looks like a wing.
The wind makes it sing
and sway and swing
with a bell - ting-a-ling.
My kite has flown
so I’m all alone
and the wind has blown
and blown and blown.
I’m standing on a great big stone,
all alone.
Up there my kite flies by,
high - so high
In the bright blue sky.
Why can’t I?
Published on writebuzz®:
Youngsters Adults
> Poetry