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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: Magnus, the mad Dalmation.

Upon this earth runs Spotty Dog,
clearly a great joke from God.
A cross eyed, whip tailed silly dope,
not held by e'en the strongest rope.
He bounds, he leaps, he jumps about,
not stopped by masters loudest shout.
Sweet chaos does he cause to all,
for he's in this world to have a ball.

Food left around is quite fair game,
it doesn't have to have a name.
A pie, a cake, a dozen eggs,
all victim to his toothy pegs.
His antics make you want to swear,
take up the drink in dark despair.
But he's a loving, silly, spotty clown
who's there to kiss away your frown.

And he knows he's worth his weight in gold,
as he jumps into your lap so bold,
then licks and paws you near to death
for he loves you with his every breath.
So hold him fast and hold him near,
show him that he's no need to fear.
For the trust that's held within those eyes,
will be with 'til the day he dies.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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