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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: Voyager

On a deep and dark blue ocean
there sailed a simple man,
he had his ship; he had his dream;
he had a simple plan.
To gather all the children
from countries near and far,
and take them on a magic voyage
to a bright new shining star.

To a world where ice-cream grew on trees
and lemonade filled all the seas,
where sweets poured down instead of rain
and only teachers got the cane.
A world where every dream was met
and every child could have a pet,
where each new day brought joy not tears
as angels banished night time fears.

So he sent a secret signal out,
that only children heard about,
a gleeful whisper on the air,
a message full of love and care.
In multitudes the children raced,
then rallied to his song,
and when the morning sun came up,
they were gone; all gone; all gone.

Then a quiet settled on the land,
no trusting eye, no outstretched hand,
and nations bent their heads and cried
for the magic in this world had died.
Nothing left, we could not cope,
so barren, lost of love and hope.
Such a painful lesson to late learned,
the gift of trust forever spurned.

And high above past Mother Mars,
amongst the shimmering far off stars,
the sweetest laughter can be heard,
with now and then a joyful word.
Whilst down below this tired earth,
waits evermore for it's rebirth.
But the silence reigns; the skies stay grey,
as they will - forever and a day.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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