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jonny graham
Head Down .
Head down and sad in hands , broken by t.v. The political debate the to and fro of argument tabloid gossip and the knife blade on the street . The homeless musician , non-stereotypical , with a dog in a duvet , shivering . The unwashed people and clothes , the Monday morning beggars , dirty hands . The times we live in . Phone abuse . Suspension , not by rope . The first cold snap of Winter . Caught with no coat . Semi-shocked and semi-frozen like Icelandic hope . Glimpses in windows , other lives , other unmade beds . And a certain tightness in the head . Some tangible strife . And my sixteen year old son who is staying with me for half-term holiday takes x-box games more serious than real life , for christ sakes . Please give me a break , that's what everyone seems to be asking for these days . And t.v. is still the focal point of the masses . Still drives opinion . Still offers chances . And that painting , that masterpiece , will never get done . That epic poem , floating in your head , will never be written . Subscribe to the opiate of the state , submit , get bitten . Overheard conversations , someone sad on the phone , he touched her , so innocent , crowded out by social stigma , so all alone . The charred rafters , smoking in my heads history . Yesterdays flowers tossed in the ashes of lifes never ending mystery . The broken lives and vacant eyes the confusion and raw panic that sears minds that spend time alone with no one else in a shit hole called home. Many eyes look but many eyes don't see . The various people who are dead , who really don't need to be . The weight of social expectation drawn up and neatly listed , the tasks done crossed out and new ones continually added . That's how it happens , getting nowhere fast , just generating so much sadness . If I could freeze these beads of frustration I would present them to you like little glittery jewels of insanity and say hey you we are not that different really both members of sapien humanity . Not lonely . Not hungry . Not much to complain about . But something is gnawing inside , eating at life . Tearing us up . Too much trouble to ask why , scared to disturb the peace and the quiet .
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> Poetry