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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: Nocturne for Autumn.

It's 1am, and the night
curls around me like a snake.

Walking, I can feel the slip slide
of wet autumn leaves underfoot;
and there is no substitute for the
clean crisp chill of the night air.
I glance ahead, enjoying the play
of shadows cast large under the
yellowed street light; mine and my
four legged friend Juno, my eager
and forever fearless companion.

Momentarily there is light. White
and instantly blinding, as a lone
one eyed monster roars past;
disturbing the sleepy rain as
it's tyres glisten and spin against
the wet rainbow hued tarmac.
It's a sound distinctive to the night,
clean and uncluttered, the epitome
of raw power with no distraction,

Walking on, I see the flickering blue
ghosts of the occasional TV screen
behind closely drawn curtains.
Can't be much on, certainly nothing
as uplifting as the pale moon
and the star studded indigo sky.
Just endless pointless repeats;
Lives lived out in vicarious shadows

and hardly worth the electricity.

Suddenly Juno barks, and I watch
her hackles rise as she sprints
quickly ahead; growling out
her challenge to some imaginary
enemy. She really is the bravest
thing, (as long as I'm there for backup),
and I smile inwardly as she trots back
and gives me a look of victory that says;
there you go, that's my job done and dusted.

I glance at my watch; It's 1.30 am now;
time to turn, but it's good night to be alive.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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