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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: matthew newman

Title: S.A.D

My friends say I'm a work shy git
who takes too many days off.
But if I sneeze I've got the flu
and stay in bed if I cough.

But I have a strange disorder
'cause when it's dark I get depressed
My life gets hard, and becomes devoid
of vigour, vim and zest.

When daylights gone I start to cry
fear makes me climb the wall.
The very thought of a blown lightbulb
makes me curl up in a ball.

Imagine me in winter time
when it's dark by half past four.
I scream all through November and
by Christmas can't take more.

March brings with it some relief
when we move the clocks an hour.
It's some comfort to know that soon
my mood won't be so sour.

So help me out ,I need a cure
on my ills give me a handle.
If you see me out without my torch
any chance I can lend a candle?

But what is it, this strange disease
that makes this tough man meeker?
Is it something truly medical
or am I just an attention seeker?

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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