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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Jonathan Howard

Title: drugs dont work

my needle rips and tears' at my soft exaggerated skin

as i sink in the pin i know soon i'll have a surreal grin

the cold metal stings as it enters my veins

i do it to drown out most of lifes strains,

sit back and relax and just simply wait

and accept the fact that this is probably my fate

to destroy myself a little more every single day

means knowing full well the skies over me will always be grey,

but I HAVE bought this, upon myself

to try and destroy regrets bought on by life itself

i often think back to the better times

but they are so few its only worth two lines,

the numbing feeling starts to take over

i spend 10 minutes just staring at my yellow sweet clover

so as i start to fall into a paranoia filled dream

i wonder if tomorrow i will finally stay clean.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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