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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Infanticide .

Sufferance is so innocent ,
amid interminable confusion ,
in a bleak zone of
zero self-awareness .
Stop trying to cope
with that kind of love .
It kills , silently unseen ,
so intense and blindly careless .

Cowering and cringing ,
demurring ,
inexperienced , by fear of any kind .
The pain that she enjoys
Shattering the empty reliquary
of your guilt-free mind.

This shameful state of affairs ,
this sordid circus ,
cannot hope
to be resolved ,
as it drifts wonton
in a decoy mist
of apathetic tainting .
When numb rage
and wide eyed disbelief ,
are the only emotions remaining .

The gossamer social strings
that hold you
and support you ,
are slipping
as you fade away .
More with each sleepless , nightmare night ,
more with every diminishing day .
Hopelessly scarified ,
and haunted
by helpless endurance .
And they knew alright
but didn't say .

How can she
lie to their inquiring faces ?
And cunningly
mute the warning bell .
While your terrorized eyes
are screaming out
for gentle help .

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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