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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Eve Becker

Title: Glossy Mags

fashion and celebrity
Hello and Heat
who's lost weight
and who's got ugly feet
who looks crap
without make-up
who snorted coke
after their break-up
they tell us we are too hairy
that our noses are too scary
that we should be a size zero
and have stick insects for heroes

a fourteen year old girl
took it all to heart
stopped eating her dinner
so she could look the part
her father's love could not change the hate
she felt about her teenage weight

she had a massive heart attack
doctors failed to bring her back
her body couldn't take the strain
her father lives on in pain

a familiar story
you've heard it all before
only this time the father
lives next door

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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