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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Rhona Aitken

Title: The Doppelganger

It was the angle of his hat;

a hat bought in more youthful days

when buying jaunty loden was a laugh.

But this was not that hat,

this was not that laughing man.

This was some other,

just as once a pair of wind-swept shoppers

under a familiar umbrella

made me utter long-forgotten names,

when, of-course, their presence

was not possible.

Sometimes the glimpse of a yellow shirt,

tweed jacket, mottled scarf

can give my still bruised heart

a stricken lurch.

Some ghost perhaps? No -

just a doppelganger.

A doppelganger with no knowledge

that he is one -

or that his presence has become

the shade of someone past -

for a brief moment.

Just a brief moment.The

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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