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First Chapters
Emily Sheppard
Synopsis of FLIPPIN ECK
I’m not the sort of person who can make up stories all I can do is tell my own real life story I’m living it! I guess its something almost like a soap opera This is just a few months of my time in Cambodia
Its still happening and the story will continue until I return to Amsterdam that’s when the book will end.
So I tell the craziness of the ex pats, the warmth of the Khmer people. The ease of life here. The difficulties of life here. The craziness of life here
Every day things happen, things I would never have imagined back in England. If I speak to friends back there, their general reaction is WHY are you in Cambodia or WHERE is Cambodia.
I write as I speak, as I am, maybe a little flippant but that’s how I see things, that’s just me. You definitely need a sense of humour to survive here. So I hope you enjoy with me my time in Cambo, this time around.
copyright 2008 Popsi
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> First Chapters