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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: The Robber Baron

Recently got ambushed by a traffic warden, a quiet street at 9.30pm of all hours.
Duly sent off the fine together with this little ditty. No reply, but it made me feel better.

'Twas past the hour of sunset
and a thief was lurking by,
the moon was up, a star shone,
there was mischief in his eye.

For he had spied a motor car
stood by a painted line.
he cast a glance, he scurried fast,
then penned a princely fine.

Ten guineas, plus ten guineas more,
a further ten for luck,
and when the hapless driver saw
he quoth, "Oh dear! Oh F***!"

"I am undone, most sorely tried,
how foul is this foul deed.
To lurk at this ungodly hour,
I am most oftly pee'd."

"No harm in my small larceny,
no danger have I struck.
My pause was just five minutes long.
"Oh Dear! Oh Damn! Oh F***!"

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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