christine williams
Belly Dance
Jelly Belly Belly dance Bosoms bounce Bosoms flounce.
Pierced button Hidden hollow Pink mallow Shake, shake Hippy hips Reddy lips.
Jelly Belly Belly dance Bosoms bounce Bounce and flounce.
Sixpence shimmy Veils skimmy Camel, camel, Slide and swivel, Rolling eyes hypnotise.
Jelly Belly Belly dance Bosoms bounce Bounce and flounce. Wrist on wrist Butterfly Stretch up high Praying hands Desrt sands Palms to face, Palms to floor.
Jelly Belly Belly dance Bosoms bounce Bounce and flounce.
Mystery Tease and taunt Mesmirise Never flaunt Exercise Fat thighs.
Bosoms bounce Bounce and flounce Jelly Belly Belly dance.
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> Poetry