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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: christine williams

Title: Ode to the Plastic Bag (2005) !!

Oh, plastic bag how myriad are your uses.

Travellers applaud your flexibility, no excuses!

Separate sexy bras from kecks,

For dirty laundry use bin sacks,

Encase each shoe in Plastic -

Stops polish on your fantastic!

Small, protects from toothbrush spit,

Large, holds your bitty washing kit.

Why buy a fanciful sponge bag?

Plastic is there without a snag.

All hail to stores with plastic carriers

Their usage knows no known barriers.

Collect as many as you can

Don't put them in the dustman's van

Save them for that rainy day

(They serve as raincoats anyway)

When you take that dreamtrip abroad

I'm sure their use you will applaud.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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