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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: christine williams

Title: OLD AGE

Thin bones and moans,

Hollow groans,

Body shaking,

Muscles aching,

Knuckles gnarling,

Skin flaking,

Stiffened claws,

Denture jaws,

Twisted spine,

More cheques to sign!

Perm grey curled,

Bungalow world,

P.V.C. prison,

Towel to sit on,

Anxious worries,

Never hurries,

Always alone,

Only the phone,

Zimmer to skim,

Eyes always dim,

Trolley to trundle,

Mug with two handles,

Raised toilet seat,

Teddy bear heat,

Microwave meals,

Pop socks for heels,

Crooked arms dressing,

Elbow caressing,

Curtains to draw,

Food on the floor,

'Daily Mail' scandals,

Grab on the handles,

Grim T.V news,

Swollen laced shoes,

Muscles have gone,

Mary and John!

Phone a hate friend,

When is the end?

No time for a laugh,

Keep warm with a scarf,

Tradesmen who trick us,

Pads in the knickers

'Ooo, ah and eee',

Time for a pee,

Pains in my chest,

I need a rest,

Fortijuice drink,

I need a shrink,

' Cut up my food!'

'You're in a mood',

'You care for that dog

More than my old fizzog'

Nerves all a quiver,

'I'll jump in the river!'

'Just give me a gun.'

Life is no fun.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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