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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Mark Anthony Jackson

Title: Never Asleep

I’m always full of emotion
My heart moves with every vicissitude
And I can feel it in my chest, aching
I have so much joy
Which is why I’m so depressed
Will I be happier and happier?
Or have I lived the zenith?
I cry when I stand atop mountains
I sink when I look up through canyons
I sway when I hear the ocean move
I drown when I smell her hair
Then there’s nothingness
Do I need more?
Do I want more?
Can I handle more?
Sometimes I’m just numb
Numb from the tapping of emotion on my soul
Numb from the dancing of desire on my skin
Numb from the kisses
Then there’s nothingness
So give me life
I need it
And I don’t want to miss one minute
Not one minute of my life asleep

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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