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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Eve Becker

Title: Long distance call

There's a dog
in the park
across the street
dirty dog
hello, it's me
pick it up you slothful sod
I promise you I've changed
kids play football there you cretin
don't do this to us
ha! you've got dog poo on your shoes now
I miss you
leaving giant turds in the grass
I'm so sorry
pretending you didn't see it
please forgive me
hope you slip and fall in it
did you hear me?
that's it, just walk away
come back to me
what did you say?
I miss you
I love you
I love you
what are you saying?
who are you?
you're my life
I don't remember you.
do I know you?
I'm lost without you
oh, it's you
it's you
I remember you now
I remember

We had our picture taken
on the grass
in the park
across the street.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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