jonny graham
Cost of Living Stunt. Special Deal.( includes free poem).
We wrecked some old cars together, him driving, me hanging on for life. With manic grins and much loud screaming. Fast, a bit too fast. Up at the knoll fields, on the dirt tracks, in the dusty wind. That is, we did, untill we rolled one over and nearly died, which was quite exhilarating for fifteen year olds, in the boredom of a summer evening. We crawled out, groggy and gurgling, and he shouts out, watch out. I could smell hot oil and petrol, and as I turned he threw a lit match. The explosion blew me, blew us both, backwards off our feet. Singed at close quarters. I thought fleetingly of shrapnel. The flames roared, we ran, looking back at it as we did, laughing and hooting. At the canal bridge sometime later that evening, we wiped smoke and dust from our eyes. Listening to the sirens coming closer, as the fire raged and smoke billowed over the settling evening fields, over yonder, over there. We stood and watched them put it out, bathed in blue flashers and short-wave transmissions. And as darkness fell gently the orange glow subsided to dampened smoke. Down at the civic centre ( years later renamed the Nelson Mandela centre) none of the usual faces would believe us. They just gave us the big yeah yeah yeah yawn yawn yawn. So we stopped telling the story. Moved on to other things, like you do. It had all got a bit mundane anyway.
Dougal. I used to go up to his place sometimes and it was really cool. His mother would casually ask me to get the juice out of the fridge, and that was totally unheard of at my place. My mother was a really possessive fridge bitch. Out of bounds and all that. And his sister was really nice, I really liked her. But she didn't like me at all, on account of my stutter, and my nervous twitch, and because I was in the backward class at school. She probably thought I was a spastic. But she was nice anyway. So me and Dougal, we hung in the same crowd for years. Then one day he turns up with a little green badge pinned on his parka, and it said 'Jesus luvs you' in black letters. And he was carrying a bible. And he saw everything from a religious angle from then on. Like he was an evangelist or something. And people went off him after that. And I went off his sister, and developed an unhealthy obsession about Susan Stranks from Magpie instead. And then Dougal joined some religious meeting group with a headquarters in Canada somewhere. And then he emigrated to Canada a few years later. And I saw his mother and she said he was a missionary. Then his father died in a snowy winter car crash, and his sister ended up a toothless addict selling herself on the streets of Glasgow, and his mother took to the bottle. And Dougal never showed his face ever again. Probably too busy, doing Gods work.
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> Poetry