Eve Becker
Purple encounter
She walked towards me in the rain. Snow white hair under a pale purple hat, purple raincoat to match, clutching a bunch of purple flowers. She looked like a cloud of lavender. I smiled at her. She stopped. 'Not far to go now,' she said leaning on her zimmer frame, 'not far at all.' 'Pardon?' I said 'I tell myself it's not that far,' she said. 'That's good,' I said 'It's my husband's birthday,' she said, 'I need to keep going, it's not that far.' I looked back over my shoulder and saw the entrance to the churchyard. 'Not far at all,' I said, 'just a hundred yards or so.' 'That's what I keep telling myself,' she said. 'It's not that far. One step at the time will do it. One step at the time.' 'You'll do well to remember that, 'she said.
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> Poetry