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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Eve Becker

Title: Dot and Ollie

Auntie Dot and Uncle Ollie,
that's what we called them.
They were grandma's cousins.
They were brother and sister.
I found it strange,
that they lived together.
A man and a woman only lived together
if they were married and had kids.
That's what I thought.
But I was very young then.
Every time we visited
auntie Dot greeted us with the same question:
'Would you like some coca-cola?'
She had a very deep voice.
To me,
she seemed a little old to like coca cola.
I thought only kids liked coca-cola.
But she loved it.
Uncle Ollie did too.
He never said much.
He just smiled a lot.
He loved it when us kids visited.
As I got older
I didn't find it so strange any more,
them two living together.
Just made me feel a little sad.

We talked about them on Saturday night,
my brother and I,
as we shared a pizza
and looked up our exes on Facebook

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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