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First Chapters
Zoe Greenhough
SYNOPSIS for Bare Faced Cheek! ...And Other Such Poems.
Bare Faced Cheek! ...And Other Such Poems. A Book of Poems for Modern Family Life.
I believe poetry is long overdue a revival. In fact, it might be just around the corner. It’s not that poetry ever went away; it still has a substantial following. CBeebies, the BBC’s channel aimed at pre-schoolers, has just started showing a new programme called Poetry Pie (cue catchy theme tune) which is a huge success and very popular with my own toddlers. I think poetry has a place in modern family life and there’s a space on a bookshelf somewhere waiting for this book!
The advantage of a book of poems is that they can be quick to read. I have three children aged four and under so I rarely get the chance to read a book in a day as I once did, pre-children! In fact, reading these days is a luxury. Family life can leave parents with little time to read anything other than children’s story books so what better audience/readership for a book of suitable poetry? Poetry has the ability to entertain, inspire, revive the soul, evoke and capture the emotion of a moment, amuse and educate. The reader can therefore snatch a precious minute or so to read a poem,to lose oneself in the imagery and emotion in free verse, enjoy the rhythm of rhyme and meter or smile at the intricate, condensed, clever Haiku that captures a snapshot of a magical moment in time or nature.
I’m a dentist but I studied English Literature at A-Level and have never stopped writing. I have written several feature articles for local magazines and a large dental publication. Motherhood has reawakened my creative side and what better readership to aim for than busy mums and dads, the grandparents and children. This book aims to inspire the generations; to encompass modern family life in inspirational, emotional and accessible poetry; a reference book for all occasions. Some of these poems I have already written, some are works in progress and others are just scribbling in my notebooks. All are inspired by both my own and other friends’ experiences of modern family life; pregnancy and childbirth, babies, the trials and tribulations of being a parent and even a grandparent. Some are very personal to me (for example losing a child) and others are based on anecdote but are well researched! All aim to capture the imagination of the reader in some small way and entertain for years to come.
The proposed chapters are as follows:
Chapter One Pregnancy & Childbirth: There’s only one way - out!
Chapter Two Babies: Life on the outside.
Chapter Three Keep Mum Sane: My brain is mush.
Chapter Four For frazzled Dads: I said don’t do that!
Chapter Five For Children: Put the words into a pot...
Chapter Six For a Rainy Day: Soothing soup.
Chapter Seven Long Journeys & Holidays: Are we there yet?
Chapter Eight Love Poems for Parents (who haven’t got time anymore): Keeping the romance alive.
Chapter Nine Being a Grandparent: Don’t tell your mum.
Chapter Ten Remembering Loved Ones: Where do we go when we die?
Each chapter subtitle (in italics) will be the name of the first poem within that chapter (names may change as inspiration takes me!)
Style: In brief, the book aims to contain a variety of poetry styles from neat little Haiku to shapely diamante, witty limericks, natty children’s rhymes and emotive free verse - something for everyone. It goes without saying, each poetry style aims to reflect the subject matter and mood.
Word count: Each chapter will contain approximately ten poems, however, some chapters may contain more and other slightly fewer. Total: around one hundred poems. Obviously, as some poems will be longer than others, some may take up more than a single page.
Illustrations: Some poems will be illustrated and illustrations will take the form of photographs, drawings and stylised artwork.
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> First Chapters