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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: Songbird.

In chaste and simple cloth she stood,
Unadorned and plain of face.
Alone before the restless crowd:
who there for sport expected none
'til came that voice from one so young.

And when she sang the heavens joined,
the birds fell silent to the sound;
that fresh as early morning dew,
and clear as clearest mountain air
was feast beyond the God's compare.

Her voice outshone the spotlights beam,
she was the star crossed lovers night.
A muse that stirred the very soul;
Ten thousand angels taken wing,
sent to this world to only sing

And time stood froze in breathless hush,
in thrall to her enchantress spell.
No eye could quell the raptured tear;
no hearts more swift were glorious won,
when came that voice from one so young


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