jonny graham
Still Breathing.
The cathedral bell tolled in pious early morning, and brought the sleepy crowd to the gallows cross, to witness death and justice and see the poor heretic, skinned alive in public blood not fit for lowly dogs. Condemned and naked bound to wooden frame, lashed by hands and feet stripped of dignity and name, while nuns bow shaven heads and whisper extempore pleas, serving a jealous God brings evil to it's knees. Executioner in mask and apron array of knives on holy table, the scrape of steel on honing stone preludes medieval fable, inhuman butchery for social entertainment, the power of the church dispensation of arraignment. Discreet nod from prior to the wielder of the knives, the heretic squirms and vomits in the final minutes of his life, the bell tolls one more time long dawn shadows bring the day, and the sun glints malevolent on the executioners cruel blades. Small sharp knife to start with inserted deep into straining neck, down in a line to base of spine as blood wells warm and wet, then slashed across the heaving shoulders to form a bleeding holy cross, the heretic howls in agony the hushed crowd are now engrossed. Now change of knife selection to one with long thin blade, inserted into gaping intersection the little starting knife had made, deft strokes peeled the living skin flayed alive for mortal sin, brutally skinned in public let the screaming now begin. The executioner worked quickly sharp knives slicing human hide, and somewhere in the crowd a family watched their father die, The back skin hung in gruesome flaps revealing the weave of muscles underneath, the executioner paused to clean his hands as a butcher does when carving meat. And now the hooked knife starts unzipping the flesh of arms and legs, the agonized screaming stops abruptly and the heretic starts to beg, as cuts are made round wrists and ankles there are mumbled words from repentant lips, and the skin hangs loose now from shoulders and from hips. Slicing upwards from the pelvis keeping everything in one piece, the executioner worked in harmony wiping blades on aproned knees, and the heretic screamed again in agony and wished that he were dead, and the only part now left attached was the skin upon his suffering head. Final cuts now made around the skull with ghastly surgical precision, the knives are downed and hands are wiped as the executioner makes studious decision, then he grabs the skin and jerks it up rips face and scalp from off the head, and the denuded flayed heretic teeters on the point of death. The dripping hide is held aloft like the church's hunting trophy, and the people cheer and bay for more and the nun's pray for all that's holy, the bell tolls and the sun shines and the satisfied crowd start slowly leaving, but one little boy has a final look and sees the heretic is still breathing.
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> Poetry