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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Zoe Greenhough

Title: Porcelain


Outside the window, the cherry tree recoils,
branches violently flay, as a warm wind blows one April day.
The branches buck like a startled horse,
a kicking bronco, silent bray. A threatening display.

The weary wife rests upon the smooth white
linen on the bed. Eyes closed, pale skin
a deathly shade. Her porcelain
teacup beside her with a note:

I love you. Peace at last. Forever yours.

Floors swept, laundry folded neatly, picture frames
dusted, chrome polished. Her parted lips, a faint outline of a smile
and the smooth marble arch of her untroubled brow.
Her housework done, she rests a while.

Outside the wild wind taunts.
A dog begins to whine.
The rustling leaves whisper wicked lies.
Half a dozen shirts billow on her washing line.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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