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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: A Feline reflection

On the concept of perceptual relativity
I know little - and care even less,
but this face is considerably handsome
and quite suits me - I'm bound to confess.

The puzzle of course, is who is it?
For 'tis very familiar to me,
and each time I pass by a particular spot
It's the first blessed thing that I see.

Now I'm just a cat, not some boffin
with enough intellectual skill,
to figure out why we so perfectly match
when we stand, or sit down, or keep still.

For my forte is purring and pouting
and preening myself day and night,
with occasional foray when dusk falls,
for romance, or perhaps a good fight.

So I shall just prowl on regardless,
which is all a cat does - more or less;
But this face is considerably handsome,
and quite suits me - I'm bound to confess.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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