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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Jason Minty

Title: Sand Scene

It made me laugh, yesterday,
sat on the sand, at Brid.
A portly guy, took his trousers off.
and out flew twenty quid.

From his pocket, I assume.

It was a scorching day,
hence his strip-tease,
but a wind whipped up
and flicked his note, with ease.
Like a kite it rose, up into the air
and the fat guy chased it,
as you would, to be fair.

Took sight-seeing to a different level.

But his boxer shorts
didn’t provide much support
so we all got a view
not common to the resort.
I heard some girls titter
and some guys guffaw.
Then the fat guy noticed
and threw himself to the floor.

Beached-whale sprung to mind.

Meanwhile a young lad.
Nimble on his feet.
Leapt up in the air
and sealed his defeat.

Grabbed the money and ran that is.

I think that a morale
befitting of this tale
would be 'keep your trousers on
if your belly’s full of ale'.

Don’t know that his was though, but thought I'd keep it clean!

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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