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A day in my life
Rhona Aitken
Rhona-three even older old ladies - and a Write - buzz mouse mat
The Cast:- Rhona - having a coffee morning Lucille - 92, very deaf, always optimistic Felicity - 90 and never heard of a lap-top..Just a tad of dementia Anne - newly arrived in Bath. Hasn’t met anyone before. Timid and afraid of saying ‘the wrong thing’
The coffee is being sipped and the biscuits nibbled. The door-bell rings - Postman with packet. Rhona opens it and finds a very cheery Write-buzz mouse-mat.
Rhona - to everyone Isn’t it lovely getting unexpected presents. Look! Isn’t it pretty? Lucille- What is it? Rhona - It’s a mouse-mat. Felicity - Oh! Do you still have mice. I haven’t seen any in Bath for about twenty years. Rhona - No dear - its not for a real mouse. Anne - timidly Are you supposed to put food for them on the mat? Lucille - (Who knows what a lap-top is - sort of) I think its to do with the machine over there Felicity - Oh! Is that where the mice are? Rhona - Er!No. It isn’t a mat for a real mouse. This is a sort of clockwork mouse. Felicity - What a good idea. Do the real mice follow it into the trap? Anne - Do you put the the trap on the mouse-mat to keep the carpet clean?
At about this point I start to twitch.and try hard to change the subject. The rest of the morning is spent listening to everyone’s ‘mouse’ stories. They went back years! When they left they were still telling me the best way of getting rid of the unspeakable things.
Later that day Lucille phoned me:-
“Thank you so much for a lovely coffee morning. You don’t actually have mice - do you?” “No Lucille’” “I didn’t think you had. Was that colourful mat to do with your lap-top?” “Yes Lucille.” “I thought so - but I didn’t mention it to the other two. I don’t think they are very sophisticated. Thanks again and lots of love.”
The G and T went down very well.
Published on writebuzz®:
> A day in my life