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Janice Horner
Sin's To Die For
Sin’s To Die For By Georgie Cox
It was just after one in the early hours of the morning. Gregg scanned the lake to make sure there were no fishermen or late night swimmers like there were sometimes. It was imperative that no one must see him. He nervously made his way towards the water; constantly looking around to make sure he was not being watched and wishing now he could turn the clock back. What a bloody fool he’d been, stupid not even thinking about the consequences of his actions at the time. An owl hooted loudly and made him jump. His life would never be the same he would always be looking over his shoulder; would someone find out, did somebody know already? All these thoughts going through his head driving him in sane. He was ready to step in. He’d taken great care to mark the spot he needed to swim from on the bank by tying a green scarf on the branch of the nearest tree to the lake. He removed it and put it into the bag along with his clothes; he would have to burn it with everything else when he‘d finished this gruesome business.
A full moon lit up the sky and the July night was warm around his naked flesh. He took a deep breath and stepped into the water wading towards the middle of the lake. He turned himself over and swam towards the bottom. As he drew near to his destination, panic set in. Where had she gone? He’d tied weights to her legs to keep her anchored. He swam around in a circle moving his torch in different directions. His heart was pounding. The night before flashing through his mind. Their argument about her latest love affair, her laughing at him; his hands going around her throat; her eyes almost popping out, finally her last breath. She just hadn't been able to help herself from chasing men; and he had been a laughing stock for years, but he’d loved her. Each new affair and driven him to murderous thoughts until finally he’d cracked. Gregg recalled his last words to Ruby . “Your going to die for your wanton ways and I will die beside you.” It had been his intention to kill Ruby then himself but he just didn’t have the courage to carry out his own suicide. He made his way back to the grassy bank his heart beating now so fast Gregg thought it would explode. He hadn’t envisaged been alive to face a murder charge. He’d panicked not knowing what to do with her body, then the lake came to mind. He decided this would be a good hiding place for a few days until he was thinking straight and he could come up with some kind of plan to get rid of her body permanently and explain her sudden departure to her friends and their neighbours.
His thoughts were racing from one explanation to the next as he stood shivering from fear. He wrapped a towel tightly around his dripping cold body. Maybe he’d misjudged the spot but couldn’t see how. He’d try again when feeling calmer.
His second attempt to find Ruby’s body was a failure. Maybe he hadn’t tied the weights to the her legs sufficiently; there were lots of maybe’s going around in his mind. Gregg just wanted to get to the safety of his home and try and think this out.
He was almost dressed when a voice said. “Looking for something?” He turned to see a white haired man standing just a few feet away. The full moon was enough light to see he was probably in his late sixties. His face was rugged and his eyes sharp as they looked questioningly into his. Gregg avoided too much eye contact and turned his face upwards towards the sky. “Just having a late night swim and there‘s a full moon tonight.” Gregg struggled to keep the fear out of his voice. “Look a bit cold mister.” The man answered. “Kinda funny time of the night to be swimming aint it?” The man looked out across to the middle of the lake, his question hanging in the air like freezing fog. “Well I guess so, I sort of like it that way. Gregg said feeling his stomach churn over. “Best be getting off home.” Gregg turned and started to casually walk away. Every inch of his body shaking inside. “You forgot something mister.” The man shouted after him. Gregg thought he was going to throw up. He turned around to see the man holding his bag. “Oh boy, thanks.” Gregg took the bag, threw it over his left shoulder and headed towards the wood again. “I was here the other night when you came with the dead woman. Saw everything. Fished her out and buried her. I knew you’d come back when you tied the scarf to the tree; nine out of ten times murderers always return to the scene. Anyway know where you live see; followed you.” Gregg stopped in his tracks. He put the bag down and turned around. “Cheating wife.” Was all he could choke out. “Thing is mister you committed a sin, the worse sin of all in my eyes. You know what I mean? Did she really deserve to die? Sorry mister wished I hadn’t been here that night but can’t let you get away with it so I’m going to have to bring you to justice. Gregg never saw the knife that flew through the air and landed neatly in his heart. Death was quick and painless. The white haired man bent down and put a note in Gregg’s pocket. “That’ll tell them where your wife is.” He shook his head sorrowfully. “Time to go now, so much work to do still.”
The residents in the small town of Cooksville, Texas, were shocked when the story appeared in the newspapers. Bars, beauty saloons, hair dressers, gyms were full of gossip about the whole sorry affair. “Who killed Gregg Peterson, that‘s what I want to know?” Amy Hopkins declared, nodding her head full of hair rollers to know one in particular. “Very odd.” Pamela Bridges said very loudly, now holding everyone’s attention in the hairdressers. “Why?” Asked the hair stylist. “Well some twenty five odd years ago a similar incident happened just like this one. A note was found in the deceased’s pocket telling the police where a body could be found. Eventually they caught the culprit but he was declared insane and sectioned for life in the local mental institution. Yes sir he'd been dishing out all kinds of punishments to sinners; some really brutal I can tell you. Turned out to be Some kind of religious fanatic , but definitely out of his tiny little mind.” “Is he still there?” Asked Amy Hopkins. “Don’t know, never heard anymore about him after the court case.”
The white haired man walked past the hairdresser’s and muttered to himself, gossip mongers shall be punished without mercy. That tongue of yours which speaks for the devil shall be cut out, this I promise you lord.
Pamela Bridges went on to tell more, unaware her days for talking were seriously coming to a very gruesome end.
The End
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