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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Karen Burris

Title: Slumbers Keep

Take me away you seductive slumber
to a place where my fancies are filled
lulling and caressing me so softly
until consciousness is unwilled.
Will it be romance or adventure?
My soul wantingly anticipates
to enter the realm of dreamland
and run through its gates....

Mighty wings I have now
give me aerodynamic agility
swooping low or hovering
flying above all I can see.
The speeds I can reach
take my breath away
looking for clear sky
to soar and play.
Always there is someone
in need of my help,
"Hop on my back hold tight"
They are amazed by my steath......

He is in a cave waiting for me.
He wears black tux with no tie
his shirt is unbuttoned a little
In his eyes there is me.

He is beautiful and strong
and he desires me

He reaches for me
and we kiss

He is making love to me
and he is tender

I think he loves me.

Oh I recogize him! He is the guy from
the movie I watched!

Wow what a dream!!

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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