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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: John Michaelson

Title: Home truths

They took his bike; they took his violin.
And the insurance covered both of these,
the bike proving jolly simple to replace,

the violin not so
[his paternal folk having held
its burnished rest beneath their boyish chins for aeons].

And the peace of mind also:
neither it, nor the home,
had ever been breached before.

The payout was fairly chunky,
the mortgage payments gone,
a cruise, a new alarm.

The replacement violin proved
somewhat clunky
[so too, the new alarm,
forever sounding off].

The peace of mind was easily placated.
If he stayed up all night
with an airgun and a thermos,
it seldom seemed to bother him.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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