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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: Never the twain

She was classically trained in the ballet,
at Pi-ano had simply no peer ;
She was champagne and silk,
Lemon tea, (with no milk),
and first out in her debutante year.

Then she married a builder named Gordon,
an artizan proud of his trade ;
He was Guinness and jeans,
Eggs and bacon, (with beans),
and entranced by his fair English maid.

And Oh! How Lord Gadzooks lamented
that his daughter had fallen from grace ;
Spurned the country estate,
for mis-matched conjugate,
and become quite the family disgace.

But one day ; In the way these things happen,
the two became joyously three ;
Little Albert was born
on one bright summer's morn,
and the rest is of course history.

"An heir, Oh and heir is just what I need,"
said Lord Gadzooks to Lady Fitzjoy,
"though of part common stock,
he shall merge with our flock,
so let us go and inspect the dear boy."

But the door it was barred,
he lights they were out
and the silence was loudest of all ;
For the lovebirds had flown
to a love nest unknown,
And so thus did a dynasty fall.

And you cannot make choices
that lightly ignore
how love is what counts in the end ;
And that champagne and silk,
Lemon tea, (with no milk),
is quite simply no more than pretend.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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