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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Jason Minty

Title: Do Do Ron Ron


Went down town looking for fun.
Met a smart girl with her hair in a bun.
Every guy's dream with her specs. and red lips.
Conjuring up visions of her shaking her hips.

We chatted, well shouted, above a D.J. on Speed.
I said let's go somewhere. She followed my lead.
We took to the streets, not a pretty sight.
We walked arm in arm for hours that night.

I pondered the wisdom of asking her home.
She told me that she lived near and that she lived alone.
I mentioned coffee, a cliche I know.
She replied O.K. kind of going with the flow.

We arrived at her apartment and boy it was posh.
A smart chic, with a bun, who earns lots of dosh.
I kissed her, near ate her, I was so turned on.
Then I woke up, in my own bed, my fantasy gone.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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