Youngsters, Adults
Muriel Noton
Here's the last remaining chocolate
Hiding in the crinkly paper
On the top layer: better eat it.
Orange creme - mmm - simply gorgeous.
Save the next layer till tomorrow,
Seeing that it's nearly tea-time.
I must check though if the centres
Underneath this piece of cardboard
Are the same as those I've eaten.
Now, let's see. I've got the list here.
Coffee truffle - that's my favourite.
This one with the nutty sprinkles
Calls itself a walnut parfait.
Here's the chocolate with a knobble,
That's a cherry stuck on top there.
Rum and raisin, criss-cross pattern,
Two thin square ones: bet they're toffee.
Yes, I'm right, but different flavours.
So familiar with these chocolates
I don't need the list. I'll bin it.
Wow! How come the box is empty?
P'rhaps there weren't so many in there.
Never mind; I'll go tomorrow
To the shops to get another -
Bound to be a special offer.
Tea time? Is it? Oh, forget it.
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Youngsters Adults
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