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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: A Little Taste of Heaven

The fruit lay heavy on the ground,
the hour was wrapped in idle thought ;
And sweet the taste of scented air,
so sweet it seemed beyond compare.

And here we gathered busily
those fruits of balmy summer days,
in happy labour one by one
beneath blue skies and summer.

And lunch was a gourmet delight,
with tea from brightly coloured flasks,
warm sandwiches of salmon paste
with not so much a crumb to waste ;
Then strawberries so sweet and red,
a King was ne'er more richly fed.

But soon the day drew swift to close,
as all such days in memory do,
though this little piece of heaven stays -
of childhood and much simpler ways ;
Of nature's rich and bounteous yield,
And summer days in strawberry fields.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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