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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: Poets Corner

'The meter,' said Peter, 'is paramount
when perfecting and primping a poem,
it should go with a flow, like - so la ti do
with rhapsodic refrains in a row.'

'So you clearly like rhyme with a reason,'
mused Cedric - full bearded and Zen,
'And dull keyboards and screens
seem the tools of your dreams,
whereas I am still notebook and pen.
And I don't know a strophe from a spondee,
or whether sonnet or septet is best,
and adonic and dactyl and pantoum
leave me confused and poetically stressed.

'But I know a good poem when I see one,
a few lines - or a full classic ode,
'tis the journey that transports the reader
whether Shakespeare or verse a la mode.'

And whilst tea and digestives were summoned
the discussion waged heated and loud,
on the merits (or not), and of who gave a jot
as to what was correct or allowed.

But one thing was agreed as the moon rose
and they parted the bestest of friends ;
That the magic of words is what matters
and where poets take you with their pens.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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