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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Jason Minty

Title: Confession Time

I feel I've got to ask you, 'cos I'd like to know what you would say
If your best mate suddenly tells you, that he thinks he might be gay.
(Whilst sharing a bedroom on Xmas Eve - don't ask!)
I think I ought to tell you, because a shared problem is halved
but this same best mate's mother caressed me with her calf.
(Under the table, on Xmas day that is - Oooo-heee!)
I think I should confess that things went downhill from here
A red-hot middle-aged mamma and her lad ( who might be queer).
I cringe to tell you what I did, as the day wore merrily on
I only asked his mother, what she thought about her son.
I'd like to say she took it well. I'd like to say that he did too
But she got very teary, as middle-aged mammas do.
She said we should leave him on his own, and his face somehow agreed.
She took me to her boudoir and we then addressed her needs.
(Oh-My she had big ones).
I think I ought to finish now, the deed and damage done.
I no longer have a best pal, nor a doting best pal's mum.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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