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› Poetry
Jackie Baldwin
You need to be optimistic, that's what my therapist says It's not always easy but I try, even on my downest days You need to look on the bright side, glass half full, he smiles Well yes I really do my best, I answer, like a child. You need to think positive, to always look ahead.
You know I think I could do his job, so please sit on this bed.
You need to laugh every day, this one's from me to you. You need to learn to recognise the comedy of two. You need to know that downers are only in your mind You need to mix with people who are chirpy, fun and kind. You need to spend sometime alone and not fall out with you. You need to put some rah rah back in everything you do.
You really should be mindful, my therapist woke my trance.
I'm mindful son, is what I thought, I'm off to seize my chance.
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> Poetry