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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Love-Bytes.

They both led individual lives,
and they both had other-lives too.
They first met each other
in those other-lives,
found they got on well together
in that other-life combined.
They gravitated to discussion,
concerning the individual lives they each led
outside of the other-life
they had met in originally.
He told her he was a single man,
in his individual life.
She told him she had no baggage,
in her individual life.
He was a mover, she was a shaker,
in reality.
But in their other-lives,
he was prime husband material,
and she was ripe and ready
for the role of other-worldly wife.
He virtually asked her out
for drinks and a bite to eat,
in a low-key real restaurant
on an individual living street.
They arranged it in other-life,
and finally met in their individual lives
one real night quite late,
and because of virtual attraction
they found they got on really great.
They individually chatted about what they did
in their virtual other-lives,
they agreed things were virtually going well.
They met up regularly after that,
mostly in their other-life,
where they virtually chatted about what they were up to
in their individual lives.
And as time moved on they realised
they were virtually made for each other.
So-much-so that eventually
he virtually asked her to marry him in their other-life,
and she virtually agreed , but only if
they met in individual life,
at the same restaurant,
to arrange their other-life marriage details.
And so, when face-to-face in their individual lives
they decided to virtually go ahead and do it,
and he really promised her the honeymoon
she had always virtually dreamed about
in her other-life.
They virtually paid for it all with their
other-life credit cards,
and became virtually husband and wife,
individually of course,
in their other-life.
While really, they continued to meet regularly
in their individual lives.
They would discuss the growing marital difficulties
they were virtually experiencing
in their now entwined and complicated other-life.
They then began to really realise
that they were incompatible in their individual lives,
more so than in their other-life,
which was virtually somewhere else entirely.
Things were really not working out for them individually,
and they decided to try a virtual trial-separation.
But he individually virtually pestered her
in their now gone rotten other-life.
She had to take out a virtual restraining order
and threaten him with further virtual litigation.
As time went by they eventually agreed
to individually get virtually divorced
in their other-life,
and to virtually not bother each other again.
So they went their individual ways,
virtually moving on to a better other-life,
where they both virtually found,
improved pixellation,
enhanced graphics,
and true surround sound.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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