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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Emily-Fay Bridger

Title: Breaking up with Chocolate

‘Breaking up with Chocolate’
By Emily-Fay Bridger

Dear Chocolate,
I am writing to tell you this is it,
Don’t try and tell me otherwise I have had my final hit.

It’s not you, it’s me, so please don’t change one bit,
But I must be strong and go on alone, it’s not been easy I admit.

I’m sorry to do it in this way but I have come to the conclusion,
I need to lose my muffin top and needing you was an illusion.

But I can’t have closure without thanking you for all the times that you’ve been there,
Don’t think I am just being flakey, because I really care.

You were there to calm many first date nerves and when it all went wrong,
When I’ve been acting fruit and nut and feel I don’t belong.

You helped me to celebrate many happy returns and covered my favourite cakes,
Helped me dream of galaxies when I needed to take a break.

At valentines you’re in a box, Christmas without you should be a crime,
You make a spooky appearance at Halloween, at Easter you’re in your prime.

In spring, you’re a chocolate fountain by summer you’re fondue,
By autumn your hot chocolate and all I wanted for Christmas was you.

All the times you’ve been my plus one and the atmosphere you create,
The endless amount of dinner parties, you appeared After Eight.

And what about those dinner parties when we were being all posh Hey?
Well clever little you brought us Forrero Roche!

You have given the Cadbury’s family their fortune and their fame,
And you have saved me from sudden death when ‘surprise’ the in-laws came.

Come to think of it chocolate I have made a terrible mistake,
You’ve been there through good and bad, Oh chocolate you’ve been great.

I have tried to go on without you, but I just don’t think I can,
Chocolate I am begging you to take me back....
Lots of love your biggest fan x

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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