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  You are @ HomeYoungstersPoetry


Source: Youngsters, Adults

Author: Geraldine Harper

Title: Good Gracious Me

"Good gracious me" my very ungracious friend said.
I had popped in to help her as she was confined to bed.
"This tea's far too weak. I like mine to be strong."
So I went to remake it, as she growled "Don't be long."
"I take it with lemon" came her next put down.
Where are the lemons? I asked with a frown.
"In a bowl, in the kitchen. Where else?" she debated.
I went off in search, feeling very frustrated.
"No lemons I'm afraid" I returned with the news.
"In that case I'll have coffee. I like it fresh brewed."
Ten minutes later, I was back with a cafetiere.
"At last, you've been ages, put it just there."
"I'll be off now" I said. I'd got lots to do.
"Good gracious me, so soon. I've hardly seen you."

Published on writebuzz®: Youngsters Adults > Poetry

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