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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Isabella Thornston

Title: Manage This

You know I love you babe,
mostly anyway.
Your controlling nature
blows me away.
Your ridged opinion
jams my frequency.
You are always
correcting me.
Can I not be trusted
even to make the dog's dish?
How inadequate you must think me
because your actions - sink me.
Matters of finance are no matter at all
I can not try less I fall.
Oh but the work I can do
and so effieciently -
I get to do the work of three!
And of course if there is a fault
it could not be with thee,
for your hands are not in anything!
I want to shake you from limb to limb
"Snap out of it Klem"!
This is absurd, this thing we've got going,
my hair is thinning and my nerves are showing,
not to mention my temper, it shows itself
sometimes scaring the hell out of me and mine.
So lets keep it simple,.
you do your shit and I'll do mine.
I think things will work. If not....


Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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