Isabella Thornston
Flying through the sky
I see rays of sunlight kiss,
cathedrals of billowing clouds
and fine heaven mist
From one direction to the other
as far as I can see
the curvature of the earth
stretched out beneath me
The Gulf of Mexico lines
the coastal white sands
of a place I've come to love
and call my homeland
Below a patch work quilt
greens and blues and browns
threaded by roadways
of properties all around.
Of all that was created
and all that was built
I survey with my eyes
brimmed to the hilt.
How wonderful to see
all creation laid out
Blanketed below
For me to hover about.
How must God be
so glorious above
To create these works
and entrust us to love
My mind can not imagine
my heart cannot hold
A love with no dimension
So vast and so bold
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> Poetry