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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: Swan Street, Northampton. 1948 - 1961.

A memory of childhood.

Demolished now - and even
memories fade - or so they say,
and it will simply come to be
somewhere that we stayed.
But I remember all the times
from when my memory first began ;
and I cannot accept that it was merely
brick and block and chimney stack.

For there was light and life
breathed into every room ;
No shadows hid within
the solid squares we knew.
And all our days were blissful held,
secure in every deed and thought ;
Threee children burnished by the sun
when time was but a word to brush aside.

Demolished now - but still
there is the sound of children
merrily at play ; Three voices
raised as one to say -
This never was just simply
somewhere that we stayed

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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