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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Jason Minty

Title: Gurning Curling

I’m not being funny
but this Curling sport
really is the weirdest sort
of game.
It’s insane
but NOT Olympic - surely?
You just have to laugh
at ones with the broom
as they sweep manically
to the shouts from the room
What a riveting way
to spend time at a rink.
I don’t know about you
but it makes me think
they must be stoned.
Just hear their groans.
I’m not surprised to learn
it was invented by the Scots
You can just imagine them
in their skirts and their socks.
They really are an oddball lot.
Take Brown for example.
I bet he’s as good at Curling
as he is at gurning.
Now there's a thought
for a new Olympic sport
Gurning Curling
- watch this face!

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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