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  You are @ HomeAdults A day in my life

A day in my life

Source: Adults

Author: Rhona Aitken

Title: Haddock and Haggis in Beeching House

Jenny comes into the dining room and says- “Its Burns Night tonight. D’you want Haggis for your supper - or would you rather have sandwiches?
We are asked one by one.
Pamela says “Haggis please“
Doris says “Haggis please.”
Ethel says “What did you say?”
Jenny says “Haggis or sandwiches.”
Ethel says “Haddock please.”
Jenny says (loudly) “No Ethel - not Haddock - HAGGIS!”
Ethel “Has the Haggles got Haddock in it?”
Jenny “Er - no - I doubt it - but do try it”
Ethel says she will - and luckily by the time its supper she’s forgotten all about the haddock - but she enjoyed the Haggles.

An Art Class in Beecham House.

Betty - why did you paint that cat blue?
Because I wanted to.
But cats are never blue.
Yes they are. My daughter had a blue-point Siamese.
But not aqua-marine.
A little voice chimes in. “That’s not aqua-marine - that’s green - not blue.”
No it isn’t.
Yes it is.
Your eyes are funny - that’s what!
Hamish says “ Here’s my picture.”
“That’s not a picture - that’s a poem.”
“No it isn’t - it’s a limerick.”
“Well it just isn‘t a picture.”
“Yes it is - it has patterns all over it.”
He lifts it up and shows us all limericks written round and round the paper with lots of wiggles in the middle.
This is surveyed in silence. Some nod. Some glower. Hamish looks lofty.
One little lady, static in a wheel-chair, wrapped in woollies, has painted a rose - her little hands poking out of a knitted patchwork shawl. Her picture is delicate and quite perfect. She drinks her tea with a happy smile as we all praise her beautiful rose. She has such a wonderful smile. Quite as lovely as the rose.

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