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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Isabella Thornston

Title: On my knees

I picked up a load the other day.
As I tried to walk it grew heavy
Blinded by persistance
my struggle became unmanageable.

My back began to hurt
as my posture sagged
with the burden of this weight.

Give in NEVER! I can do this!
Vanity reasoned with pride.
This I told myself as I
struggled with my footing.

Then one day the load became
too heavy,
I cried out in pain,,, "God why
can I not do this alone? I need you,
will you take this burden from me?

And he did. Just like that angels were
sent to help me, and I knew without
a shadow of a doubt they were here
for me.

I fell to my knees, tears streamed
down my face.
God loves me so powerfully I
can only get down on my knees and praise him.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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