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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Isabella Thornston

Title: Hello Blank Canvass

Hello Blank Canvass I've come to visit for a while
mighty keyboard beckons me to play
In you I can trust, your like a faithful friend,
always eager to run again and again

Sometimes we go to places of blues and greys
Skyscrapers of sadness are revealed that day
Heavy truths weigh upon a white page
they are just words, lets turn the page.

For Red Dress and Shoes saunters in
, stealing my mind realing me in
like a dancing spanish senorita spinning all around
I am swooped up and drown.

Or remember the time you and I dusted of to the country
You could decribe the road and I could feel the bumps
What a ride you left my mouth parched and dry
Oh look at the water pump!, Lets give it a try!

And then there are the white tshirt and bluejeans days,
the days that fit so well, I know just what to say.
I can count on you. I know you'll stick
No matter my lack of glamour or if I carelessly slip.

You're just there all through life
In cotton robed health later in life
Waiting for the hour, like
a playmate to take a hike

On a blank white canvass
where we are free
to grab and rope words for fun
Until we cease and play is done

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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