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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: The Journeyman

When I came to this place the lights they were burning,
burning so bright they could not be denied ;
So I stayed for a time and I filled every order
'til the job it was done and the ink it was dried.

But soon all the beauty was tarnished and faded,
the stars they rode low as though trying to hide ;
And the sky was all black, for the sun it was dying
and the salt of my tears was the slow running tide.

And though I served well all the days of my being
the burden of sin became hard to abide ;
And as time fell way, unmeasured and ageless,
so my truth became all that you sought to deny.

So I rose with the dawn and I bid my farewell
as the sky became red as the cross where I died ;
And the seas they rose up to the tops of the mountains
and the salt of my tears was the slow running tide.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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