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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Greg Lawson

Title: Disorder and chaos make the world go round

Disorder and chaos

The two ingredients of life

Not one easy pay-off

Just continual toil and strife

Like the desperate anticipation of lovers

Never-ending chase for climax

Overbearing physical desires can smother

Beliefs that were once assumed facts

Ponder Mother Nature

Deceptively destructive

She never does waver

Us she is bound to outlive

Then there is your own mother

You know that we all have one

For nine months did she suffer

Giving birth is far from fun

And what delightful reward did you give her?

Rain, thunder and a little sun

Payment for rolling in the sack with father

Perhaps she should have been a nun

But what does it all really matter?

We’re gone in the blink of an eye

‘Life is meaningful’, we flatter

The truth is an ignoble lie

Permanence is ignorance

Hard facts are scurrying rats

Trampling upon us like elephants

Existing wherever there are maps

Reflecting progress like a mirror

A virus, we’re out of control

Sometimes I cannot help but sweat, shudder and shiver

As the individual cascades down a pothole

Crushed by a mountain

Of rules that only corrupt

A mass of plankton

Waiting to be swallowed up

Global warming

If you can believe it or not

Is Earth warning

Us to be something we’re not

The old trees are felled

Rivers polluted

Environmentalists yell

As the oceans are looted

Have some self-pity

What else do we know?

Building city after city

Readying for the final show

Disorder and chaos

Make the world go round

Don’t holler and fuss

You’ll soon be underground

Control, we can have none

Over the great forces

Beneath the moon and sun

Dictating our choices

Pushing us into the ravine

The dark, bitter edge

So, now you believe you’ve seen

Our final pledge?

Science will redeem us

Technology adapts

Concerns will soon be hushed

We’ll form a new map

No futile war

No more hunger

Deplore the thaw

Hear the thunder

Like choppers rolling in

Angels of mercy

Moving with the cold wind

We’re too thirsty

Let’s have another drink

Down another dollar

Governments will always help you think

Just attach the leash to your collar

Anyway, before them it was the Warrior-King

And before them warring tribal elders

When asked – with a gun to the temple – we always sing

And obey their calculated orders…

Oh, please fly me to the moon

Or hide me underwater

Create paradise and you had better construct it soon

From where we can observe the continual slaughter:

Another terrorist

A cackling dictator

Another iron fist

A fresh perpetrator

About to unleash

A new vision of hell

Forget about peace

We rarely wear it well

Maybe a plus:

There is always a new clown

For those of us

That need to create a sound

Disorder and chaos

Will make the world go round.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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